Gazzetta n. 16 del 28 febbraio 2012 (vai al sommario)
CONCORSO   (scad. 30 marzo 2012)
Avviso di indizione di una procedura di valutazione comparativa per la copertura di una posizione di Assistant Professor e una di Post-Doctoral Fellow.

Si rende noto che, con i decreti direttoriali n. DD 00472(34).VII. e n. DD 00473(35).VII. presso la Scuola IMT Alti Studi, Lucca, istituto statale di istruzione universitaria di alta formazione dottorale con ordinamento speciale, sono state indette due procedura di valutazione comparativa per una posizione da Assistant Professor e una di Post-Doctoral Fellow con le seguenti specifiche: Assistant Professor in Economic History - 1 posizione.
Fields: Economic history.
Formal requirements: Possession of an undergraduate degree in a related field.
Activity: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D. students, teaching and participation in the development of the Institute's research activities.
Research area:Economics and Institutional Change.
Specific requirements: A Ph.D. in Economics is preferable.
Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international publications. Candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for performing applied research in an interdisciplinary research institute. Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Stochastic model predictive control for energy sytems - 1 posizione.
Fields: Control systems, optimization, Energy.
Formal requirements: Possession of an undergraduate degree in a related field.
Activity: Research, tutorship and mentoring of the Institute's Ph.D. students, limited teaching and participation in the development of the Institute's research activities.
Research area: Computer Science and Application.
Research unit: DYSCO - DYnamical Systems, Control, and Optimization.
Specific requirements: A Ph.D. inControl Systemsis preferable.
A sound knowledge of control and optimization methods is required, and the successful candidate will be interested in both theoretical research and in applications to practical problems. Research experience is expected in at least one of the following areas: Model predictive control, Stochastic optimization, Control systems design based on optimization methods. Previous experience with applications of control/optimization to smart grids and energy markets is a plus, but candidates with experience in other application areas are welcome.
Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international publications. Candidates should demonstrate enthusiasm for performing applied research in an interdisciplinary Research Unit.
I bandi di concorso con indicazione delle modalita' di presentazione delle domande e' pubblicato all'Albo on-line della scuola sul sito web all'indirizzo:
Il termine di scadenza per la presentazione delle domande e' il 30 marzo 2012.
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